We can't wait to meet you! Casual dress is welcome, so come as you are!
What to Expect
When you arrive at Bethlehem, you will find a welcome table in our front lobby. There will be one of our friendly family members to greet you and help direct you to where you are going. If you have children, we will also direct you to our children's area, which has classes designed just for them, or to our nursery area. One of our greeters will also help you find the right Sunday School class for you and your family members. If you arrive for the 11am worship hour, you may escort your child to the children's area located in the gym for a worship service that is designed just for them, or you may choose to allow your child to worship with you during the worship hour. One of our greeters will be happy to help you find your way.
Casual Atmosphere
When you visit Bethlehem, you will encounter a casual, yet reverent atmosphere, as we seek to honor God in worship. People will be wearing anything from Sunday formal to casual dress, so come as you like. We're more concerned with leading you into a worshipful encounter with a loving Savior than with what you are wearing.
Friendly People
We strive to create a friendly, comfortable environment. We won't make you wear a visitor badge, stand up, or stand out in any way. We want you to feel free to worship with us without being singled out. We only ask that you stop by our visitor's table on your way out and let us know about your visit. We would love to take the opportunity to get to know you and your family better.
Family Environment
We have exciting programs for kids of all ages, including a clean and safe nursery for each worship service. Join us for a children's ministry that is exciting and designed to help your child worship God in a format that is tailored for his/her specific age. We also have an exciting time of worship designed just for you that gathers in our sanctuary. If you choose to allow your child to join you in the worship service (and we welcome you to) please be aware that we also have a family listening room in the hallway behind the sanctuary. This room is for you should you need to step away with your child during the service. You may exit to the right of the stage and you will find the room just as you turn the corner on your right. This room will allow you to address any needs you may have, without having to miss any of the service. The service is broadcast over speakers that we have in our hallways, bathrooms, and family listening room. On Wednesday evenings, we have a nursery and missions activities for each age level, as well as an adult Bible study and prayer time that meets in the sanctuary.
Engaging Worship
Our goal in worship at Bethlehem is to lead others to engage God in meaningful acts of worship. We believe that the worship service is primarily for believers to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. However, we also believe that it is important that everyone in attendance be able to understand what is taking place. Our goal is to have an orderly worship service with a format that is easy to follow and that leads you into the presence of God.
We can't wait to meet you! Casual dress is welcome, so come as you are!
What to Expect
When you arrive at Bethlehem, you will find a welcome table in our front lobby. There will be one of our friendly family members to greet you and help direct you to where you are going. If you have children, we will also direct you to our children's area, which has classes designed just for them, or to our nursery area. One of our greeters will also help you find the right Sunday School class for you and your family members. If you arrive for the 11am worship hour, you may escort your child to the children's area located in the gym for a worship service that is designed just for them, or you may choose to allow your child to worship with you during the worship hour. One of our greeters will be happy to help you find your way.
Casual Atmosphere
When you visit Bethlehem, you will encounter a casual, yet reverent atmosphere, as we seek to honor God in worship. People will be wearing anything from Sunday formal to casual dress, so come as you like. We're more concerned with leading you into a worshipful encounter with a loving Savior than with what you are wearing.
Friendly People
We strive to create a friendly, comfortable environment. We won't make you wear a visitor badge, stand up, or stand out in any way. We want you to feel free to worship with us without being singled out. We only ask that you stop by our visitor's table on your way out and let us know about your visit. We would love to take the opportunity to get to know you and your family better.
Family Environment
We have exciting programs for kids of all ages, including a clean and safe nursery for each worship service. Join us for a children's ministry that is exciting and designed to help your child worship God in a format that is tailored for his/her specific age. We also have an exciting time of worship designed just for you that gathers in our sanctuary. If you choose to allow your child to join you in the worship service (and we welcome you to) please be aware that we also have a family listening room in the hallway behind the sanctuary. This room is for you should you need to step away with your child during the service. You may exit to the right of the stage and you will find the room just as you turn the corner on your right. This room will allow you to address any needs you may have, without having to miss any of the service. The service is broadcast over speakers that we have in our hallways, bathrooms, and family listening room. On Wednesday evenings, we have a nursery and missions activities for each age level, as well as an adult Bible study and prayer time that meets in the sanctuary.
Engaging Worship
Our goal in worship at Bethlehem is to lead others to engage God in meaningful acts of worship. We believe that the worship service is primarily for believers to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. However, we also believe that it is important that everyone in attendance be able to understand what is taking place. Our goal is to have an orderly worship service with a format that is easy to follow and that leads you into the presence of God.
When We Meet

AM Bible Study Sunday 9:30 am
AM Worship (Live-streamed on our Facebook Page)Sunday 10:30 am
Online Prayer Meeting and Bible Study (Live-streamed on our Facebook Page) Wednesday 7:00 pm
Youth Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm
Sunday PM Worship Service 6:00 pm

What To Expect
A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.