Aug 25, 2024    Pastor Matt Haywood

Suffering is a normal part of life as a Christian in this world. Jesus modeled the suffering that would come by obeying God. Many people will rise up against those who seek to follow God, and some will even think that they are doing God’s will when they persecute others.

Think about some of those throughout the halls of history who have suffered the most.

All of the Disciples suffered a martyrs death, with the possible exception of the Apostle John.

The early Christians were tortured, lit on fire, sent to the arena to devoured.

William Tyndale was burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church because He sought to translate the Bible into the common language of the people.

Many people have suffered for the cause of Christ, but it has never slowed to spread of the kingdom of God. It has only served to spread the gospel, because the gates of Hell will not be able to prevail against God’s Church.

This morning, we are going to take a look at the ultimate example of the Suffering Servant. Jesus came to fulfil God’s mission for His life and not what people might have thought that He should be.

Let’s take a look at Matthew 12:15-21