Jul 7, 2024    Pastor Matt Haywood

Have you ever had doubts about anything in your life?

Maybe you’ve had doubts about a ride you have been strapped into, like the sling shot or a roller coaster.

Maybe you had cold feet on your wedding day. You loved your spouse (and still do) but you knew what a big commitment you were making.

Maybe you’ve had doubts about becoming a parent. Can you really do this thing and raise a kid?

Maybe you were up for a promotion and a new job title and you were not sure if you were cut out for the job.

The more serious the task is that we are called to complete and the greater the responsibility we have, the more we may find we doubt.

There is nothing more serious than making sure you are believing correctly in order to have eternal life. John was in prison and was declared the greatest born among women up to Jesus’ birth, yet John had some doubts.

John had misunderstood Jesus. He knew He was the Messiah, but he misunderstood the plan of God.

Let’s take a look at how Jesus reassured him.